Orientation Questions
the MFGT Trainee Needs to Ask
the Trainer (Supervisor)
©1994 By Lewis N. Foster
1. When can I review your Employee Policies and Procedures Manual?
2. What is the agency's chain of command?
3. When can I see a copy of your philosophy of supervision and resume'?
4. What are the frequency, duration, and methods used by you to supervise trainees?
5. When can I discuss the administrative material that I read, with you?
6. What materials, videotapes, and audio tapes will I be directed to read, watch or listen to, and why?
7. When will I be introduced to the ethical behavior expected of me? Will I have to sign any forms?
8. When will I be exposed to the Federally Mandated AIDS Policy? For example:
Reporting HIV+ clients;
Universal precautions and staff training;
Nondiscrimination policy;
AIDS prevention and education;
An AIDS prevention statement on Consent for Treatment Forms;
AIDS resource manual; and HIV+ testing policy;
Agreement protecting the confidentiality of AIDS victims;
Informed consent for HIV testing;
Employment practices for PLWA's; and Infection Control Protocol for employees exposed to risk.
9. When will I be oriented to confidentiality? For example:
What to do if I am served a subpoena demanding a client's records?
How am I to respond to a telephone call for a client?
How do I use releases/requests for information?
How do I protect confidentiality by disguising the client's identity when using the case as an illustration in a public lecture?
10. As a supervisor do you stand behind your training and supervision? Will you stand behind me and my ability in court if needed?
11. Am I considered an employee of the agency while I'm participating in a practicum or internship? Will I be paid? Are there any benefits for which I qualify?
12. What constitutes expulsion from training/supervision?
Dishonesty or incompetence
Failure to perform assigned duties
Chronic dress code violations
Recurrent lateness for supervision or sessions
Dropping the class (intern)
Relapsing (if in recovery)
Coming to work drunk or high
Dual relationships, including sex with a client
Emotional problems of such a severity as to make the supervisee ineffective or dangerous.
13. Are there State Statues regarding hugging or giving a client a "kiss-on-the-cheek?"
14. As my supervisor/trainer are you legally responsible for my actions?
15. What are the agencies grievance procedures? Do they explain my rights and responsibilities?
16. Do I need to report to you any suspected child abuse or neglect?
17. What constitutes domestic violence in this state?
18. What is the Tarasoff decision and what is "Duty to Warn"?
19. What am I to do if a client threatens self harm or suicide? Does this automatically set aside confidentiality?
20. What are you going to report to the college or Certification Board if I make major infractions?
21. Can I talk to some of the professionals you have supervised?
22. What is orientation?
23. How do I orient clients to the program?
24. What do clients need to know before they can be assimilated into this program?
25. What is a treatment contract?
26. What special considerations do I need to make for a handicapped client?
27. How do I make sure that clients understand and accept information on documents they have to sign?
28. Do I have to explain financial responsibility to clients?
29. What ground rules or prohibitions do clients have to break to be terminated from treatment?
30. Do you agree with the policies of this agency?
Clayton, L.O., VanNostrand, R. The Professional Alcohol and Drug Counselor Supervisor's Handbook. Learning Publications, Inc., Holmes Beach, FL, 1993. 1-800-222-1525 - $14.95. The handbook was used as a guide and reference in creating this handout.
Larry O. Clayton, PhD, and staff were helpful during the Oklahoma City Bombing of the Alfred Murrah building on April 19, 1995. Read the Article.